The Biomimetic Design Lab (BiDL) of D&I sends a Biomimicry China Network (BCN) representative to the invited, global Biomimicry Network Leaders’ Meeting in San Francisco

The Biomimetic Design Lab (BiDL) of D&I, Tongji, has been instrumental in establishing the Biomimicry China Network (BCN) over the past year. Assoc. Prof. Pius Leuba was invited to attend the Global Biomimicry Network Leaders’ Meeting in San Francisco from Nov. 20-23, 2014. Together, the diverse attendants worked in plenum and groups to shape the future of a global collaboration and exchange among diverse members.
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The Biomimetic Design Lab (BiDL) of D&I sends a Biomimicry China Network (BCN) representative to the invited, global Biomimicry Network Leaders’ Meeting in San Francisco

Biomimicry is an emerging practice that learns from Nature’s time-tested, successful strategies to create sustainable human artifacts, processes and systems. The Biomimetic Design Lab (BiDL) of D&I, Tongji, has been instrumental in establishing the Biomimicry China Network (BCN) over the past year. BCN has already about 15 members from all over China, mostly in Hong Kong and Shanghai. Even though the BCN is still a comparably small regional network and is still in its setup phase, the Biomimicry Institute (USA) has accepted BCN’s application to become an official member of the Biomimicry Global Network (BGN) in October 2014.

Assoc. Prof. Pius Leuba was invited to attend the Global Biomimicry Network Leaders’ Meeting in San Francisco from Nov. 20-23, 2014. The meeting comprised only about 30 members from the 20+ regional and professional networks worldwide, as well as members from the BGN host: The Biomimicry Institute (USA). Together, the diverse attendants worked in plenum and groups to shape the future of a global collaboration and exchange: How to organize a ‘network of networks’, how to organize joint decision-making, how to share assets and experiences efficiently from one continent to another, how to leverage synergies, etc.?

The 2014 meeting was a huge success. It was the second meeting after 2012 and therefore much better organized and prepared. The members were able to agree on numerous future-oriented collaboration and working guidelines, joint goals and outcome targets. But even more importantly: every network leader was able to profit from the wealth of network experiences from other leaders, and take these lessons back to his/her own region of the planet.
Thus, the Biomimicry China Network (BCN) is bound to develop in a successful member of a global community that is ‘learning strategies from nature’ to improve our own health, environment and living standards.

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