


正如“GSD校友新闻|2013年11月”所示,哈佛大学GSD和惠斯生物灵感工程研究所也在研究仿生学。而且已经开始两年了!正如BiDL研究室这学期所做的,Martin Bechthold教授已经把他们的研究带入课堂:

“哈佛大学设计研究生学院正通过与怀斯生物灵感工程研究所的联合研究,将设计推向科学世界。Martin Bechthold教授谈到了他们迄今为止合作的不同方式。阅读更多关于他们的工作。Read more





我近期在新出版的Zygote Quarterly刊物上读到了一篇非常具有启发性的文章。在第102页,Tom McKeag介绍了他从2009以来一直在开发的生物设计立方体。立方体提供3个相应主题的互补轴,这为设计思维打开了一个有意义的三维宇宙。它帮助设计师架构他们的问题以及在他们的方法中优先考虑的因素。我很喜欢这个工具的简单性,相信它在学术界和实践中都是相当适用的。





…biological solutions tended to emphasize information and structure, were more hierarchical and systems-based and therefore more applicable to a wide range of sizes. Technological solutions, by contrast, tended to be more narrowly focused and less scalable and sometimes problematic at a different scale.” McKeag is quoting Julian Vincent who says that “…in technology the manipulation of energy can account for up to 70% of the solution to technical problems, whereas in biology, energy never figures more than 5% of the time.”


这当然是因为我们设计师经常只关注于产品的外观。但在这里,Tom McKeags BioDesign Cube将再次向我们展示需要考虑哪些其他方面以创建更健康和可持续的结果。

Julian Vincent, 仿生学:实践与理论, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2006

Tom McKeag, 用生物设计立方体架构你的问题, Zygote Quarterly: zq06, summer 2013, ISSN 1927-8314, p. 102-109

作者: Pius Leuba (雷朴实)




Not sure if you have heard of ‘Biomimicry’ already…

Biomimicry is a fast-emerging cross-disciplinary science and engineering practice that studies and emulates design lessons from the natural world to create more sustainable technologies, methods, products and designs. Researching the micro-structure of gecko feet for innovative ways to create non-toxic adhesives, shark skin for structure-based antibiotics that do not breed resistance in bacteria, the kingfisher’s beak to design high-speed trains, butterfly wings to create structural colors without color, lotus leaves for creating self-cleaning surfaces and better solar panels, and termite mounds for energy-free building ventilation systems, are just a few of a multitude of examples of how biomimicry is now dramatically changing technological possibilities.

Biomimicry caught public attention with the groundbreaking book by Ms. Janine Benyus in 1997, ‘Biomimicry – Innovation inspired by Nature’. Biomimicry has been developing and gaining recognition around the world ever since. It seems to be a promising approach to solve many of the underlying causes of our sustainability problems and is therefore rather inspiring.Biomimicry 3.8 Institute (USA) is currently the leading body and primary organizer of the biomimicry effort in the world. It enjoys increasing influence in government, industries, business, education, science, engineering media and design.

Whereas Biomimicry has been able to take roots firmly in the USA and enjoys ‘islands of presence’ in Latin America, Africa, Australia and Europe, it seems not so strong yet in Asia. In China it is currently introduced through a few pioneering firms, individuals and institutions. One of them is IDEA Design Lab, which is actively spreading Biomimicry through networking, workshops and events (e.g. the B>Hive Nights). The College of Design and Innovation (D&I) of Tongji University is currently establishing BiDL (=Beetle = Biomimetic Design Lab). Its goal is to initiate cross-disciplinary collaboration on biomimetic projects and to introduce biomimetics to academia, businesses and governments. IDEA Design Lab and BiDL are also setting up a regional Biomimicry network, the BCN (Biomimicry China Network). Its goal is to connect all firms, institutions and individuals currently heading towards or tackling Biomimicry and to offer them a platform for exchange, mutual support, joint projects, collaboration, learning, innovation, etc.

To initiate the spreading of Biomimicry in China, the Biomimicry 3.8 Institute, IDEA Design Lab, BiDL of TongJi University and GIGA are holding the first ever official Biomimicry and Design Innovation Training in Asia: The 6-day workshop, held amidst a subtropical forest in the TianMu Mountain UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, will introduce a whole new way of viewing and valuing the natural genius that surrounds us. This workshop will improve one’s ability to innovate sustainably in one’s field, using the biomimicry philosophy and methodology. It will illustrate how to translate the world of biology to design, engineering, business, education, and more. This includes hands-on experience with the deep patterns of the way life works, a biomimicry design challenge, the essential elements of biomimicry, and the biomimicry thinking design approach. No matter one’s background or sphere of work, this workshop will unveil the world of life-inspired innovation and its application to everybody’s work. It promises to leave us with a sense of potential and empowerment — because a wealth of sustainable models already exists right outside our doors!
If you are interested in Biomimicry or in participating in the training workshop, please get in contact with one of the points below.

IDEA设计研究室: /
B>Hive Nights:

文章作者: Pius Leuba (雷朴实)